Saturday, July 07, 2007

Wet holidays

Two holidays in England in the wettest June ever. However, they were fun. Glastonbury was great, made even better by the people we were with and a fab gazebo.
Scotland was beautiful, even through the rain clouds. For once on holiday I really relaxed (in Scotland rather than Glastonbury) and its taking a few days to get back into the hecticness of London life.


Tamsin said...

Wow - Scotland looks so beautiful! Sounds great.

I am SO looking forward to our holiday to Normandy in August. I haven't had a proper holiday break for two whole weeks for a couple of years. My summer holiday last year involved packing up the house in Queens Park and moving to Brighton. Relaxing!

Look forward to seeing you guys soon - really enjoyed hanging out with you at Glastonbury. It wouldn't have been the same without you. Did you see my pics? They're here:


Mãos de Veludo said...

how i envy you!! SCOTLAND!!! WOW!! what about Portugal? when will you visit us?