Sunday, June 25, 2006

Another busy week

Well work has certainly been busy. I certainly seem better at taking on things than finishing things.

As I said last Friday I went to my friend's gig at the Vibe bar in Brick Lane. I love going to Brick Lane on warm evenings as there are always so many people about and it has a nice vibe. It was Moefoe's album launch and it all seemed to go well. Managed a celeb spot at the Truman Brewery as well - Dave Gorman.

Saturday was my friend's daughters 5th birthday. A very enjoyable afternoon in the park. Although I have to admit I did arrive after the kids games. I did bring a pink skipping rope that played house music though - so I was down with the kids a bit.

Sunday was spent gardening and watching football. I'm still getting used to this gardening lark. It takes so much time but I do feel proud when I manage anything, even if it is pulling all the strangle weed from one bed.

On Tuesday we went to a friend's to watch the England vs Sweden game. Evidence from his kitchen suggests that he has never cooked before but he assured us he would provide food. We were skeptical and more than one of the girls had emailed him to ask if he needed help. He assured us "no". There certainly was food when we got there and lots of it. Raw. And the cooker didn't work. Our host took no responsibility for cooking so I got busy with the b-b-q. I thought the bonus of b-b-qs was that men did the cooking. Why is it then that I've had to do the cooking at the last three. Maybe it's the men I know.....

Our Swedish friend put up a good fight for her team. She did well defending herself against the tirade of abuse from everyone else. During the second half several people seemed less interested in the football. We escaped before midnight. Many didn't.

We also went to see Carmen this week. I thought it was the opera but actually it was a modern dance adaptation. It wasn't what I had expected but brilliant to watch. We went to see Carmen because we played a song from it at our wedding. I came down the aisle to .... Our wedding anniversary is July 9th. Yep the World cup final. No nice weekend away this year! So a trip to Carmen was negotiated.

Also lots of football watching this week. As you can tell if you read any other posts. I'm not really into football, but I seem to have got sucked in. Maybe it's because I haven't watched Big Brother yet... Mr L and whambam are very into it. I don't really have any choice, but I do like making predictions on the scores. I also love it when an under dog does well.

And then another weekend. Football. Beer. Junk food. Indigestion.

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