Friday, July 14, 2006

We've had our a house a year

We got the keys for our house a year ago today.

Every thing now seems to be falling apart.

Although saying that - there have been numerous things leaking over the last year, it wasn't just yesterday!

Good luck to Al who is getting her house today.
And happy birthday to GB. See you for drinks in the park later.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I've had some lovely flowers delivered

and I can't stop grinning.

I stood outside at 12 today and thought about all the people who had lost their lives and all those who had been injured. Not just on 7/7 last year but in all the conflicts round the world.

My office is across from New Scotland Yard. There were many policemen standing outside for the 2 minute silence as well. It made me think about how the view of the emergency services was congratulated last year. I saw Billy Elliot last night (which was fab - I'll come to that another time) and that portrays the police at the time of the minors strike in a very different light. I know many of the survivors of 7/7 along with other people are calling for an enquiry. What is important to me is to live in a community where there is openness and people trust and respect each other.

I am so lucky to be alive, have the life I do, and the people round me who love me back.

I'm welling up again.

Feeling very emotional today.

I went to Kings Cross this morning and laid some flowers in memory of those who lost their lives or were injured this time last year. This time two years ago I was getting the final arrangements in place to be married. So this time last year, as I was travelling to work, I was thinking about our first wedding anniversary and where we would be going away. I had my ipod on loudly and was daydreaming so missed the bang but over the next few days and months would certainly see the effects.

I’ve been thinking about last July 7th all morning whilst travelling in to work and now I’m at work and everything seems normal. I guess that is one of the most remarkable and noteworthy points about what happened to London, the fact that everyone was able to pull together and carry on. My heart goes out to the families of those who lost loved ones last year and to the survivors though. We must never forget what happened. What happened at that moment but also how people reacted to it afterwards and the following pride of being a Londoner.

So our wedding anniversary is on Sunday. Last year we were away and this year we’ll be watching the world cup final. One thing I really remember from July 8th last year is once we got to Babington house we went for a walk in a corn field. It all seemed so quiet and peaceful. It felt like all I’d heard was noise and crying and police and ambulance sirens for what had seemed like forever but had only been a day. I wanted to read everything in the newspapers and couldn’t stop watching the telly. But yet I really remember that moment of peace.

We were also in the process of buying a house last year – and moved in on the 14th. So the 2 minutes silence last year was shortly before we picked up our keys. Two of our friends and their baby are moving today – I hope they have a relatively stress free day. Three other friends are moving next week – so good luck to them as well. And this makes me think about all these events that are interconnected and remind me of happy and sad things. Our house has a garden so the flowers I took this morning were from there – North London flowers. More connections.

Make sure you take time out today to think about what you’ve got as well as what you may have lost. To my husband, family and friends – I love you all.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Take That and party

Feast your eyes

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I heart Mike Skinner

I know it's wrong with my demographics, but I do.

I was listening to him on my ipod this morning in the sun and I just couldn't help but smile.

He is a lyrical genius. A poet for a generation.

He also blogs

Monday, July 03, 2006

turns out they can't (England beat Portugual that is)

What a disapointing day Saturday was.

We did make up for the disapointment by partying well into the night any way.
Thanks for a great b-b-q without the b-b-q guys!

Tams - thanks for the web tip. I need to look that site up when I have a minute, I've now lost the post edit bar - so I can't spell check or link...